Quick Tips – Checking Cam Timing Points

Quick Tips – Checking Cam Timing Points

When setting the cam timing, I like to use white paint on the timing points, painting the teeth that are marked with a dot. The gears come with one machined dot on the cam gear and two on the crank gear. The object is to put the dot in the cam gear tooth between the two that are on the crank gear. It is hard to see these marks, so the paint makes it easier. I use a paint marker that can be picked up at any art store.

As a side note, if you look closely at the photo, you will see that these are straight cut gears. These take thrust off the cam bearings and claim to free-up a few more horsepower. The downfall is they do wear quicker then the stock gear and can make more noise (similar to the Pete Jackson gears that the Chevy guys use).


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