Water Cooled Vanagon Transaxles

Water Cooled Vanagon Transaxles

Water cooled Vanagon’s have been around since 1983 and if you’re driving one of these unique VWs there is a good chance the transaxle could use a little, or lot, of freshening up. Rancho Performance Transaxles offers a complete menu of services for water cooled transaxles ranging from minor repairs to complete stock and custom geared remanufacturing. As with all Rancho transmissions, only OEM and the highest quality aftermarket components are used and options including Weddle gears, ring and pinions and much more are available.

Additionally Rancho covers each remanufactured Vanagon box with their exclusive 2-year, unlimited mileage warranty. While prices start at $949.00 exchange, you can purchase them outright for an additional $500.00. For complete details contact Rancho direct at 714-680-6737, toll free 800-304-8726. Email to ranchoparts@aol.com or catch them on the Web at www.ranchoperformancetrans.com


Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737