The ultimate in flow-through ventilation!

The ultimate in flow-through ventilation!

Manufactured by and available from Wolfgang International, this very cool BUG SAFARI WINDOW CONVERSION KIT is designed specifically for 1958 thru 1964 VW Beetles and is supplied as an “Assemble At Home” kit unless otherwise ordered. Attention to detail and a precision fit make this SAFARI conversion as functional and user friendly as it is eye catching.

A real attention getter each kit comes complete with dual channel frame, safety glass, seals, fully polished stainless steel hinge/slider assemblies and OE style latches for maximum security. Options include show quality chrome, add $150.00 or powder coated frame finish, and wiper pivots. Slight modifications are required to sun visors. Basic BUG SAFARI WINDOW kits retail for just $549.95 and powder coated fully assembled units are available by special order.

To order or for additional details contact Wolfgang International at 530-246-4264 or visit them on the Web at


Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737