20 Jun Steve McQueen Lives On Through Boys Republic
Wow, what a cool weekend. A couple months back Rancho received an exclusive invite to take part in the world renowned “The Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show.” We took advantage of the offer and spent an amazing day with thousands of enthusiasts and those who came to support the Boy’s Republic school. Organized by and held on the 150 acre Boys Republic facility in Chino, California, this event is one you want to take time to attend. Hundreds of cars, trucks, cool antique trailers, planes, motorcycles, Moto Cross, “Hit N Miss” engines and a vendors row that encircled the event provided spectators and participants with something for everyone. As an added attraction the Boys Republic ran continuous tours of the facility throughout the event moderated by a friendly and knowledgeable guide.
Ron Harris, the shows Co-Chairman provides interesting and informative insight into the show’s origins and objectives of Boys Republic in this `introduction from the 2017 program. It outlines the event’s original concept and more importantly how the school has turned so many lives around for the better.
There is no way we could have known the success of the car show when we began this venture. We have so many people to thank for their contributions and efforts in helping us put each of these shows together. But, it’s to you the spectator and our sponsors we owe the most gratitude, for your continued support and financial contributions. Originally it was it was an idea to bring car enthusiasts together to show off their cars and raise some money for Boys Republic. Since then the show has evolved into recognizing theme from one of Steve’s movies each year. This year the theme is from the movie “The Sand Pebbles” in which Steve was nominated for an Academy Award. This is a movie void of any automotive action! Unfortunately he didn’t win the Award, but his legacy as a talented race car driver and motorcyclist has never been stronger.
The event is not just about the car show, it’s about second chances, being responsible for oneself, respecting others and becoming good citizens. When Steve McQueen was dropped off by his mother at Boys Republic, reportedly she said, “Maybe you can do something with him, I can’t.” Throughout Steve’s life he acknowledged that the Boys Republic taught him these crucial attributes of life and that helped him become the successful box office star that he was.
Second chances, I think I speak for most of us when I say we all have had a second chance in life somewhere along the way. With these boys the second chance comes with more demands on them than we probably had to comply with. Fortunately for them the staff and school are well equipped in helping them put the past behind them and look toward the future.
One of the goals in doing the car show is to influence the boys in becoming involved. Each year we have a select number of students who help choosing the cars that are to receive an award. The students also help in many other ways, by making trophies (over 60 of them), making the bread and deserts, serving the dinner at Friday night’s program, directing cars to their respective parking location and picking up trash during the show.
Please take time to tour the facilities with one of the staff and learn firsthand how it works. If you’re not able to do it today, please feel free to contact the school at any time and we can arrange a private tour for you.
Last but not lease, we are already planning next years event, the 50th anniversary of Bullitt, June 1 and 2, 2018. We hope you plan on joining us again.
Ron Harris
Phone 562-755-8405