Rancho Pro Shift Kit

Rancho Pro Shift Kit

Developed and manufactured strictly for you hard core eighth and quarter mile guys and gals, this Pro-Shift Kit from Rancho Performance Transaxles provides for slick, quick shifting without the need for syncros. The kit as shown includes 1st and 2nd Pro Slider, 2nd gear Pro Ring, Slick Shift Rings and Slick Shift 3rd and 4th Slider.

The Pro Shift Kits are compatible with VW Type 1 & 2 and Mendeola MD series transaxles and can be installed with minor machining on second gear to remove teeth.

While each of the highly specialized components can be purchased separately, Rancho retails the entire kit, ready to install, at just $475.00 For complete details call toll free to 800-304-8726, local 714-680-6737 and be sure to visit their cool web site at ranchotransaxles.com. Dealer inquiries welcome.


Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737