LAT Oil Additive

LAT Oil Additive

LAT is now offering a specially formulated oil additive which provides any synthetic or petroleum based oil with many of the benefits LAT Racing Oils have built their race winning reputation on. LAT LIQUID FRICTION REDUCER is formulated using a unique blend of anti-wear additives and LAT’s exclusive LFR. The sophisticated formula produces an additive that has proven to increase horsepower, torque and mileage while significantly reducing friction and engine operating temperatures. Each 12 ounce bottle treats up to 6 quarts and retails for $14.95. For a detailed look into this unique additive, and the entire line of LAT Racing Oils, visit them online at or call direct to 888-528-6457.


Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737