01 Aug HVW Drag Day 2012.
The recent Hot VW’s Drag Day proved to be a good indicator that our sport and all of you who make it up are Smokin’ while so many others crash and burn. Captured on film for your enjoyment by VW Photog Vic Penrod, Drag Day 2012 brought together vehicles and enthusiasts from around the globe to mingle, soak up some So. Cal. sunshine, make a few passes and generally have a great time.
For those of you itching for a little insight as to the history and current state of this awesome event here’s a short piece direct from the people responsible www.bugin.com.
The Drag Day is an event held twice a year in Southern California. Since we brought this event back just over 10 years ago, it has been a tremendous success. Geared more toward the motor head VW Junkie, the HOT VWs Drag day has much to offer for every kind of VW Enthusiast.
Of course there is the action packed 1/8th mile drag racing that takes place, which on some days can attract over 200+ racers at any given event. Although there is no “car show” at this event, we do offer a preferred parking area for any VW right in the middle of the action at no extra charge to you. The Drag Day also offers a huge Swap Meet, at no extra charge to vendors, that seems to keep getting larger and larger as each year passes.
Overall the Drag Day is a fun event no matter what you like about Volkswagens. Whether you’re into racing or want to catch a good deal in the Swap Meet, the Drag Day has everything to offer.