Hole Shot Photography

Hole Shot Photography

Hole Shot Photography is certainly at the top of the list for quality, exciting VW event photography. Stephen Hawes is the owner of Hole Shot Photography and runs www.holeshotphotos.com and www.vwracingnews.com when he isn’t on site shooting an event. Stephen attended advanced photography training in Virginia from 1994-1996 and has covered NHRA, IHRA, Pinks, Pinks All Out, PRA, ECPRA, SEVWA and Bugorama events extensively. He is one of the only photographers we are aware of who provides photo sales East Coast events. If you like to see more of his work visit either of the above sites and get a feel for just how HOT the action is in this Hotbed of VW activity.


Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737