Fast Fab “V-Gate” transaxle nose cone

Fast Fab “V-Gate” transaxle nose cone

If you’re really serious about getting your air cooled VW or VW/Mendeola transaxle equipped machine down the strip in Prime Time, one of the best ways to shave those fractions is to install a vertical gate shifter like this FAST FAB unit from Rancho Performance Transaxles.

Essentially the V-Gate mechanism converts the traditional “H” shift pattern to a straight up and back layout. Not really the hot ticket for street cars as down shifting requires a couple of extra movements, but the straight up gear transition is fast, positive and extremely effective in cutting your times at the track. Machined from solid billet and pre-fit with HP seals, Rancho offers the FAST FAB nose cones anodized in clear or black with application for both VW Type 1 and Mendeola 2D transaxles.

Each kit ships complete with all installation hardware and retails for just $295.00.

Note: Disassembly of transaxle is required in order to drill and tap the shift rails. Call your order direct to Rancho at 714-680-6737 or check out their Super Store on line at


Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737