BUG-IN 38 in pictures

BUG-IN 38 in pictures

After the overwhelming success of last year’s event at Irwindale Race Park, Rich Kimball made no bones about bringing the event back to this major So Cal racing facility for 2013. And, this year’s event proved 2012 was no fluke.

Held on Sunday April 28, 2013, BUG-IN 38 kicked off on Friday with a Bug-In Cruise Night. Hosted by DKP the event at Nick’s Burgers in Fullerton saw hundreds of cars and participants jam the cruise-thru lanes and parking facilities at and around this So Cal automotive Meca. As always DKP did a great job keeping everything organized and under control, putting on a very cool get-together local VW enthusiasts look forward to in 2014. Checkem’ out at www.dkpcarclub.com.

Following Cruise Night at Nick’s, Der Kleiner Kampfwagens picked up the torch on Saturday with an unforgettable 45th Bug In Celebration at Heros Sports Bar and Grill in Old downtown Fullerton. Hero’s is another So. Cal. Car Culture Hot Spot and the team from DKK did one heck of a job providing a fun and entertaining atmosphere including the “Legendary Bug-In Race Car display in the courtyard”. They even had a drawing for a pair of those cool, Limited Edition, Bug In 45 Vans Shoes! No I didn’t win.

As anticipated, Rich and Flat-4 made sure that BUG-IN 38 had it all going on. From the finest, fastest and quickest VW drag cars, top shelf vintage/custom car show, and awesome swap meet and vendor display it was all there and more. AND Vic “Da Man” Penrod was right in the middle of it all with trusty camera(s) in hand. Vic has become a staple on the So Cal VW scene and always manages to be at the right place at just the right time. We at Rancho are fortunate that Vic provides us with exceptional photo coverage of events like Bug In 38 so we can present them to Rancho followers. With that in mind let’s get to it.

Before I forget, if you’re in need of quality photo coverage of anything from events like Bug In to weddings, portraits or whatever, Vic’s your man and he can be reached at fourfiona@aol.com.

Photos courtesy Vic Penrod


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