30 Jan AZN’s Beetle puts big hurt on unsuspecting Lamborghini, Nissan GT and a 911
If you watch the reality show STREET OUTLAWS you know who AZN is. He’s buds with Sean owner of the “full on fun” Farm Truck, one nasty piece of work, and a real VW freak. The Street Outlaws are a bunch of down home boys and girls in Oklahoma who challenge each other to see who has the fastest street car. IMPORTANT NOTE. The program may seem to glamorize street racing, but these folks are serious, conditions are controlled, vehicles safe and drivers are experienced pro’s at running on street surfaces which are far more challenging that most track conditions. BUT, STREET RACING IN THE US IS ILLEGAL AND RANCHO DOES NOT CONDONE OUR IMPLY IN ANY WAY THAT IT IS SOMETHING YOU OR ANYONE SHOULD TAKE PART IN; PERIOD. This is a reality show put on for entertainment purposes and to highlight just how talented a group of garage wrenches can be. I mean these vehicles are professional quality to the bone and with names like Murder Nova, Farm Truck, Big Chief, and Goteebo what’s not to like.
Recently AZN decided to give the guys a little jab by building a turbo Beetle and one of his first calls came to Rancho. Long story short we provided one of our Pro Street transaxle assemblies while ASN and his friends put together one hell of a bad ass Beetle. The first time we saw the car run on TV he blew away a 911. Worse for the Porsche, Farm Truck, a real beater of an aging GMC truck with secret sauce under the hood ate up the Euro Racer while pulling a fishing boat and trailer!
Oh and let’s not forget his trusty dog Louise was in the front seat as always making sure Sean hit his shift points. Recently in Segment 7 of the show we find AZN, Sean and the furry 4-legger hanging out in front of a convenience store and scoping the horizon for potential victims. The first ultra stud to show is driving a Lamborghini and after a few laughs aimed at the ratty looking VW, AZN buckled up and absolutely poured buckets of tuna all over one of the world’s most beautiful, fastest and quickest sports cars.
The Lambo driver was a real ACE congratulating AZN while Farm Truck’s canine side kick humped his leg. Oh yea and he had to pay up but, as a Lambo owner that probably amounted to a couple of drinks I can’t pronounce down at the Blue Flamingo Golf, Tennis and generally cool guy country club. Ah, but before he drove off Mr. Lambo said he had a friend he thought could kick sand in the Beetles face and they agreed to another challenge right then and there. Lambo called his buddy and within a few minutes and nasty sounding intimidating looking Nissan GT-R, on steroids pulled into the parking lot. After Dirty Dog had done his thing inspecting and marking the GT’s tires the Papas VW and the Nissan put on a real dance.
That is the pair that were on the pipe and literally blistering the slippery street surface spotted with yummy discarded bubble gum, gross cigarette butts and, well we won’t go there. The exhaust note of the GT-R brought on a real adrenalin rush to anyone within earshot. That is except for ASN who was so far out in front of Mr. GT that he couldn’t hear the tunes. It’s call kicking ass and as with Lambo the GT-R dude was full of admiration and respect for one humble VW.
So what’s next? Well we aren’t exactly sure but if this was any preview AZN, Farm Truck and Louise are gonna be making a lot of believers in upcoming episodes of STREET OUTLAWS.