31st Annual Michigan Buggy Builders VW & Dune Buggy Trade Show and Swap Meet | Press Releases | RanchoTransaxles.com

31st Annual Michigan Buggy Builders VW & Dune Buggy Trade Show and Swap Meet

31st Annual Michigan Buggy Builders VW & Dune Buggy Trade Show and Swap Meet

If you live in the midwestern United States, we would like to remind you to make plans now to attend the 31st Annual Michigan Buggy Builders VW & Dune Buggy Trade Show and Swap Meet. The event will be held at the Lansing Center, in Lansing, Michigan on March 25, 2012.

The event is open to the public from 10 am to 4 pm (early entry is possible if you register as seller and rent a spot).

This is a one day super swap and show with everything from new and used parts, to toys and collectables that represent all types of street and off-road vehicles, including VWs and dune buggies.

There are also ATVs and trucks. Last year we had a huge amount of giveaway items in the opportunity drawing, which is free to enter for everyone that comes through the door that day. And, this year it looks like we will have even more items.

For more information, call (517) 402-1303 or visit www.buggybuilders.com.


Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737