Bus to Bug transaxle conversion

Bus to Bug transaxle conversion

If you have or are planning on boosting the horsepower of your Type 1 engine, you really should consider installing a Type 2 transaxle. The Type 2 transaxle is substantially stronger, capable of supporting engines up to 500 HP. This conversion requires replacing the gear carrier with a Rancho unit designed specifically for this purpose. Additionally, substantial modifications to the case and replacement of the shift rail are required, so it is best left to a transaxles specialist. When complete the conversion will also move the hockey stick so that it aligns with the shift shaft running through the Type 1 tunnel. There are 2 different bearing carrier models, one for 091 transaxles which retails for $395.00 and a 002 setup for $295.00. These prices are for the gear carrier ONLY. If you don’t feel you want to tackle the conversion yourself Rancho offers the complete service, including new Type nose cone, using your Type 2 transaxle or one of our custom built transaxles. For complete details call direct to 714-680-6737.
