Porsche 356 Wheel Restoration, Part IV

Porsche 356 Wheel Restoration, Part IV

Now that the paint has had several months to cure on my factory original 1960 Porsche 356 wheels, I finally wet sanded them. As previously noted, I was not happy with how the paint laid down. The paint, Wurth Silver Wheel paint, was strongly recommended by Porsche 356 enthusiasts, but I was warned that it didn’t lay down on the rim as nicely as it should. So I wet sanded them.

Using a bowel of water with a few drops of dish soap, I pre-soaked 600 sand paper and carefully sanded the rims, continually checking my work. This is important, as the paint works best with a few thin coats, and I didn’t want to burn through the colour coat. I did not buff them, as I wanted a flatter finish.

I followed the wet sanding with a coat of wax, and I now have smooth rims that look original. I’m very happy with the results.

And Speaking of my 356 Wheels…

I was able to find a period correct, matching Michelin ZX to mount on the spare rim, size 135/15.


Note the factory original paint (fenders were repainted in 1980), original cardboard trunk liner, original tool kit, jack, and 43 year old decals (tire pressures, washer container pressure, and LotusWeib (Lotus White) silver paint decal. Even the hood seal is the 43 year old original. Fender beading is NOS.


Note also the period correct valve stem cap, correct Porsche valve stem support wire, Lemmeritz wheel stamps, and Michelin ZX tire.

This has been a fun project, and I’m really happy with the results.



Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737