About Rancho

Simply put, you can’t buy a better VW transaxle, Porsche transmission or special duty transaxle anywhere.

Rancho has built it’s exceptional reputation by providing customers with superior products and unequaled customer service.

With over 3 decades of transaxle service, Rancho ships all types of transaxles, both OEM and high performance aftermarket transaxles to all corners of the globe. Our new headquarters in Fullerton, California is the largest of its type with nearly 20,000 sq ft dedicated solely to providing the very finest driveline components to our customers. Our stand alone, fully outfitted machine shop allows us to perform repair and custom operations on site while the R&D, tear down, assembly and custom shop are the largest in the industry.

Rancho is heavily involved in all forms of racing where VW, PBS, Mendeola, Albins and Porsche transaxles dominate.

Constant communication with drivers, builders and mechanics provides us with hands on input and real time feedback from crews involved in everything from drag racing to Formula V and other forms of competition. Our High Performance VW transaxles set the standards by which all others are measured.

Long travel buggies and extreme use sand cars are our specialty

These vehicles require the very maximum in strength, durability and reliability. Once again you’ll find Rancho racing, extreme duty, Mendeola, PBS, Weddle and Albins transaxles installed in the finest sand buggies flying. Additionally we build extreme duty VW transaxles for buggies that don’t require the big buck aftermarket units.

In addition to VW transaxles and others noted above, Rancho is recognized as a premier service and repair and re-manufacturing facility for all air cooled manual shift Porsche transaxles. We have been building and repairing manual Porsche transaxles for nearly 30 years and our experienced Porsche technicians use only OEM and the finest aftermarket parts available.

No matter if you’re building a Drag Car, Sand Rail, Weekend Racer or Daily Driver, Rancho is here to provide quality advice, responsive service, and of course the best performance transmission technology money can buy. Simply put, you can’t buy a better VW transaxle, Porsche transmission or special duty transaxle anywhere.

From our store, we ship stock and high performance VW transaxles worldwide by UPS daily and accept Mastercard, Visa amd Paypal for your convenience. Call in orders receive personal one-on-one attention during normal business hours or FAX in your order 24/7 to 714-680-3110. More information and directions on our contact page.

Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737