Weddle Transaxles

Rancho will help you identify proper gearing prior to placing your order and provide the finest after purchase customer support in the industry.

Weddle / Rancho HV-1

Over the years Rancho has worked closely with Weddle Industries on many projects and is now your source for Weddle’s long awaited HV-1 (Hybrid Vanagon) transaxle.

Long a designer, manufacturer and supplier of the finest gears and other transaxle components, the HV-1 is Weddle’s first heavy duty transaxle designed and manufactured in-house. Developed specifically for V-6 and 4-cylinder sand and off road vehicles this sophisticated transaxle offers many of the benefits and components previously available in much more expensive, high end transaxles.

The new transaxle integrates Weddle’s rugged Vanagon 4-speed gear stack, Weddle Racing Klingelnberg Palloid spiral bevel 10” ring and pinion, larger differential section and full size reverse gear. The very finest components are precision fit into an extreme duty LM25 aluminum case, heat treated to T6 and stainless shot blasted. Drive gears are helicut for maximum strength and a wide selection of ratios are available. Standard ring and pinion ratios are 5.154 and 5.43. Each unit comes with a hydraulic slave cylinder and your choice of flat or convex T/O bearings.

Other features include: Bronze load bolt to prevent ring gear displacement, fully enclosed bell housing bulkhead for optimum strength and rigidity, 300M input shaft and more. Additionally there are a number of options including internal oil sprayer and a variety of high performance clutch packages.

Call For Pricing

Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737