Gusseted Aluminum Rhino Case


While the VW Rhino case is reported to be 40% stronger than the mag case our Gusseted Aluminum Rhino goes a step further and provides exceptional strength and durability for those who really run their cars hard. Working with a new Rhino case we custom fabricate a 1/4 thick aluminum gusset and stratigically weld it to the case where they are most prone to breakage. A must for high performance use. Direct replacement for Beetle / Ghia and Type-3 swing axle tranny case from 1961 to 1969 and Bus from 1961 to 1967.

Call us to order!

(800) 304.8726 within North America
(714) 680.6737 in SoCal
SKU: 128 Category:
Additional Information
Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in
Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737