Porsche Transaxles

Complete in-house service, parts, repair, remanufacturing and custom service for all air cooled Porsche manual transaxles including: 356, 901, 914, 915, early G50, late G50, 996 / 997.

Complete remaunfacturing service: Rancho provides the strongest, best performing, most reliable remanufactured stock Porsche transaxles available

Custom transaxles: We can custom configure and built to your specific needs using only OEM and the very highest quality aftermarket components.

External transaxle oil cooling: Complete on-site machine shop facility can handle custom application alterations and case modifications for fitting of high performance external transaxle cooling systems.

Porsche 356 Transaxle

Porsche G50 Transaxle

Porsche 915 Transaxle

Porsche 901 Transaxle

Porsche 996 / 997 Transaxle

Due to evolving pricing and availability of materials and parts, please call for any info and service timelines and to order: (714) 680-6737